Event Horizon Telescope (Episode 5: Future Applications of EHT)
Lecture (Video) Main Content What the EHT could do in the future? Summary for the 5 episodes
Event Horizon Telescope (Episode 4: EHT and the General Relativity Theory)
Lecture (Video) Main Content How EHT proves the perdiction of General Relativity Theory proposed by Einstein? Shadow of a Black Hole: created by the gravitational bending of light near the Black Hole, and it’s larger than the Event Horizon because it also includes the area where light is absorbed into the Black Hole or bent […]
Event Horizon Telescope (Episode 3: What EHT has observed & Comparison between EHT and JWST)
Lecture (Video) Main Content What EHT has observed? EHT V.S. James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) James Webb Space Telescope (Left) and Event Horizon Telescope (Right)
Event Horizon Telescope (Episode 1: Black Hole and the EHT)
Lecture (Video) Main Content Black Holes and the EHT How Does the EHT Work? Photos made from separate telescopes are put together to create a more detailed image. Effort of the Scientists in EHT Project